Upgrowing into Investment Property

Upgrowing into Investment Property

What is Upgrowing?

Upgrowing into investment property is Enjoy Realty's term for turning your current primary residence into a rental.

Although most first-time buyers want to believe they'll grow old in their first house, the reality is people move every six-ten years, on average. Most people would love to keep every house they've ever owned, but too often, they simply don't understand all of their options.


From Owner-Occupant to Investor

Selling your current home to get into a more desirable one may be a great option, but it's often possible for sellers to retain their primary home as a rental asset.

Through an extensive lender network, a great relationship with a property management company, and simply putting his clients' best interests ahead of his own, Crip has helped numerous clients turn their first home (and sometimes their second and third homes) into rentals. Once they establish a portfolio, these same clients often get into multi-unit properties, VRBOs, and commercial investment properties.

Yes, that means fewer listings for Enjoy Realty, but it means happier and financially healthier clients. And that's good business.

Think investment properties are scary? Don't be frightened, even kids can understand them:

We Can Help

​Investment properties should be for everyone and we're here to help you get one!